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Backpack Program

Backpack Bonanza 2023 will be held July 29

Backpack Bonanza supports the 5 public school districts, plus recognized online education.

Parents will be partnering with FLC in 4 areas:


1. Volunteering 1 hour per student between July 5 and July 20


2. Donating 2 bags unused children clothes per student


3. Bringing the students school supply list


4. Proof of residency


Scheduled 'shopping' hours for July 29, will be given to the parent upon completion of the above.


July 29, the student will shop for their supplies based upon the school supply list. An FLC volunteer will assist the student in selecting the supplies.


First day of school:

Eastern Greene - August 3

Bloomfield - August 8

Shakamak - August 8

White River Valley - August 9

Linton Stockton - August 10 

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