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About Us
Family Life Center mission work follows Matt 25:34-40.
“If you see someone hungry, feed them - if you see someone without clothes - clothe them - if you see someone imprisoned - visit them and make a relationship. If you do these things, you will be doing them to Me.”
Implying Jesus is the Bread of Life, Jesus wears the Robe of Righteousness, Jesus sets the imprisoned free. Family Life Center is a vehicle that Jesus uses to love people. Family Life Center is a non profit organization with a 501c3 status in good standing with the IRS since 1996 with a community governing board of directors. It is a total volunteer organization. It does not have payroll.
All financial gifts are uses to assist families directly in their time of need. This includes; food, special sized clothing and special shoes for the workforce. A portion of finances are used to bridge the gap for a temporary valley in the family's lives. Family Life Center does not supply continuous sustaining support.
Family Life Center is totally dependent on God and His leading of people to volunteer, donate and financially support His ministry. He called this ministry into being, He continues to support and sustain it without any level government intervention. The governing board seeks His wisdom in leading this ministry.